Terms and Conditions

Welcome to www.friendship-park.world (“Website”), a website provided on behalf of Tourism and Urbanism Charitable Foundation (“TUF” “we” and “us”).

"You" means any person using the Website, including persons placing an order.

“Party” or “Parties” mean any person using the Website and Tourism and Urbanism Charitable Foundation separately or collectively.

By using the Website and in particularly by online purchasing of the products presented on the Website (“Products”), You accept these Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy that constitutes an integral part of these Terms & Conditions. Please read these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, enclosed to this Terms and Conditions as Annex 1 carefully before purchasing any Product. While purchasing any Product from our Website this Terms and Conditions serve as a purchase agreement (“Agreement”) between You and TUF.

TUF reserves the right of updating or amending these Terms & Conditions from time to time without notice to You. Any updates will be posted, and the date of recent revisions will appear on the Website, so please check this page occasionally to see if You are happy with the current edition of the Terms & Conditions. Your continued use of the Website after new edition of these Terms & Conditions is posted on the Website constitutes Your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions as modified.

You agree to use the Website only for lawful purposes, and in a manner, which does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the Website by any third party.

TUF undertakes to take measures to provide the best functionality of the Website and to improve it. 

     1. Rules of conduct, registration and formation of the order

1.1. The Website is open for the use of large public, however, in order to make purchases and place orders through the online store, You need to register.

1.2. The user can register in the following ways:

- Providing an Email address;

- Providing a phone number;

- Using a Facebook account;

- Using a Google account;

- Through other options available on the moment of registration. 

1.3. To confirm the registration request, We send an email / SMS code to Your phone number or email address, after submitting which the registration request is confirmed.

1.4. After registration, You can make a selection from the presented Products move and collect the selected Products in the shopping cart for further order formulation and confirmation.

1.5. Before the final confirmation of the order, You can review all the selected Products, remove them from the cart and/or add new ones.

1.6. In order to place an order, You must fill in the delivery address, payment method, delivery period, providing real and valid data necessary for order execution. Please, make attention that We do not bear any responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the data provided by You and the consequences caused by them.

1.7. We guarantee confidentiality of Your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy, enclosed to this Terms and Conditions as Annex 1. 

1.8. You have the right to leave Your opinion or questions in the comments section of the Website. We reserve the right to remove any comment which may be offensive, discriminatory, qualify as a hate speech or in any other way violate the rights of other persons. 

     2. Payment procedures and order confirmation

2.1. All the prices of the Products are indicated on the Website in AMD. 

2.2. The total price of the final order is formed by the sum of all Products selected by You and transferred to the cart in cumulation with their delivery fee.

2.3. Whilst We take reasonable care to ensure that all details, descriptions, and prices which appear on this Website are accurate, errors may occur. If We discover an error in the price of any goods which You have ordered, We will inform You of this as soon as possible and give You the option of reconfirming Your order at the correct price or cancelling it. If We are unable to contact You we will treat the order as cancelled. If You cancel and You have already paid for the goods, You will receive a full refund (see below for our Returns policy).

2.4. The images of the products and/or their packaging shown on our Website are for illustrative purposes only. Although We have made every effort to display the colors accurately, We cannot guarantee that a device’s display of the colors accurately reflects the color of the Products. Your Product and/or its packaging may vary slightly from those images.

2.5. If You wish to make a change to the Products, You have ordered please contact us. We will let You know if the change is possible. If it is possible, we will let You know about any changes to the price of the products, the timing of supply or anything else which would be necessary as a result of Your requested change and ask You to confirm whether You wish to go ahead with the change.

2.6. Payment for the order is made through the following options: 

- In cash upon receipt of the order; 

- Means of payment available on the Website by making a non-cash transfer. 

2.7. We may change a Product (for example, to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements, or to implement minor technical adjustments and improvements). These changes will not affect Your use of the Product.

     3. Delivery

3.1. During the order process we will let You know when we will provide the Products to You. We will attempt to deliver the Products to You as soon as reasonably possible and in any event within 30 days after the day on which we accept Your order.

3.2. If supply of the Products is delayed by an event outside our control, then We will contact You as soon as possible and We will take steps to minimize the effect of the delay. Provided we do this We will not be liable for delays caused by the event, but if there is a risk of substantial delay You may contact us to end the contract and receive a refund for any products You have paid for but not received.

3.3. If You do not collect Your items from us as arranged or if, after a failed delivery to You, You do not re-arrange delivery or collect them from the relevant delivery depot we will contact You for further instructions and may charge You for storage costs and any further delivery costs. If, despite our reasonable efforts, We are unable to contact You or re-arrange delivery or collection We may end the contract and charge You reasonable compensation for the net costs We will incur as a result of Your breaking the contract.

3.4. The items will be Your responsibility from the time they are delivered to the address You have provided, or You collect them from Us, You will own the items once we have received payment in full.

     4. Cancellation and refunds

4.1. At the time of receiving the Product, You need to check the quantity and quality of the received Products in the presence of the courier.

4.2. If the quality, quantity and other characteristics of the Product do not correspond to the description provided on the Website, or the Product has other significant defects, You have the right to either: 

- demand replacement of the Product with a product of the proper quality and quantity and other expected characteristics. 

- demand refund of the paid amount.  

4.3. We take care to ensure that the description, photos and other materials on the Product posted on the Website correspond to the reality, however, complete similarity cannot be guaranteed. Therefore insignificant differences with the description provided on the Website do not lead to the application of the point 4.2 of this Terms and Conditions. 

4.4. In any case, before the acceptance of the Products You have the right to change Your mind and to not accept it, however You will be charged for the shipping costs. 

4.5. You have the right to cancel Your Order without payment of sipping costs  in the following situations: 

- we have told You about an upcoming change to the product or these terms which You do not agree to;

- we have told You about an error in the price or description of the product You have ordered and You do not wish to proceed;

- there is a risk that supply of the products may be significantly delayed because of events outside our control;

- We have suspended supply of the products for technical reasons, or notify You We are going to suspend them for technical reasons.

     5. Force-majeure 

5.1. The Parties shall be exempt from responsibility for the non-performance of their obligations in whole or in part as a consequence of impact of an irresistible power, which has arisen after the start of their legal relationships and which the Parties could not foresee or prevent. Such situations are earthquake, flood, fire, war, declaration of martial law and state of emergency, political disturbances, strikes (except for the strikes, organized by the staffs of any of the Parties), failure of communication systems, acts of state bodies, etc., which render the performance of obligations defined herein impossible. 

     6. Copyright restrictions

6.1. Commercial use or publication of all or any items displayed on the Website is strictly prohibited without prior authorization from TUF. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license by TUF to use any item displayed.

6.2. Items displayed on the Website may be copied for personal use only on the condition that copyright and source indications are also copied, no modifications are made. However, some texts and photos may have been published on this Website with the permission of the relevant copyright owners (who are not TUF). All rights in these texts and photos are reserved to their owners, and permission to copy or otherwise exploit them must be requested and obtained directly from the copyright owners.

     7. Third-party websites

The Website may contain links to other websites. All such links are provided as a convenience to You and Your use of such websites will be governed by their applicable terms and conditions and privacy policies. TUF takes no responsibility for the content of external websites.

     8. Complaints and Contact Details 

8.1. We operate a complaints handling procedure which we will use to try to resolve disputes when they first arise, please let us know if You have any complaints or comments by contacting us in writing, email or by phone using these details:

Address: 2, Garegin Nzhdeh Avenue, 103/104

Email: info@friendship-park.world

Telephone: +374 41507527

8.2. If We have to contact You we will do so by telephone or by writing to You at the email address or postal address You provided to us in Your order.